Transportation to Chinatown
The M-15 bus runs south on
From Long Island, take the Brooklyn-Queens Expressway to
This is a blog devoted to all things in Chinatown New York City. Enjoy reading and visit often. ~ Restaurants ~ Bakeries ~ Shopping ~ People ~ Places ~ Culture ~ Haircuts ~ Nightlife ~ Tea ~ Events ~ Landmarks ~ Dim Sum ~ DVDs ~ Ice Cream ~ Entertainment ~ Chinese Medicine ~ Tours ~ Deals and Steals ~ Markets ~ History ~ Art ~ Beauty ~ Fitness
Transportation to Chinatown
The M-15 bus runs south on
From Long Island, take the Brooklyn-Queens Expressway to
Folks who work downtown should consider having lunch at Chinatown more often. The service is fast and the food is delicious and can be quite nutritious if you are careful with what you order....Definitely not Peking Duck everytime.
of course, another alternative is by strolling south (presuming you're in Manhattan) and taking in the sights and sounds of NYC ...
Definitely. I plan on posting a list of downtown Manhattan and Chinatown-area walking tours. Most are very affordable and I can recommend a few good ones that I have tried myself.
just wondering why you dont mention the F?? I live in chinatown and i absolutely never walk to canal to catch the train.
I have a video about Chinatown in New York City, here:
Greetings! I have created a permanent tribute to the late Roger Lane and would value your participation. Please see the home page and also view the recent local incidents; please disseminate this vital public service to preclude more tragedies. Many thanks.
Just so you know, I confer with Con Edison's Stray Voltage and Public Affairs Units and contribute to Wet Nose Guide and New York Dog Chat.
Blair Sorrel, Founder
Contact voltage is a chronic hidden hazard that can readily victimize an unsuspecting dog, walker, or both. No dog lover could possibly observe a more horrifying scene than witnessing his beloved pet instantaneously maimed or tragically electrocuted. When you exercise your pooch, please exercise greater prudence. Common outdoor electrical and metal fixtures may shock or even kill your vulnerable dog. And depending upon the current, the walker will be bitten and like poor Aric Roman, suffer permanently. But you can, indeed, self-protect.
Just start to adopt this simple strategy — EYEBALL THE BLOCK, AND AVOID A SHOCK. Take a few seconds and make your trajectory toward generally safer, free standing, non-conductive surfaces, ie., plastic, wood, cardboard. Intuit your dog’s cues and if it’s resistant, change directions. Work site perimeters may be live so try to elude them. If necessary, switch sides of the street or your hands when leading to skirt hazards. If you traverse the same route, you may memorize locations of potential dangers. Carry your pooch when in doubt. Consider indoor restroom products like PottyPark when external conditions are chancy or RopeNGo’s hardware-free leash and harness. And don’t rely on dog booties as a palliative as they will actually put your pet at even greater risk since the dog can’t tell you they’re leaking! To learn to more, please see StreetZaps. A safer walk is yours year round if you are willing to open to your eyes and mind to it.
Does anyone know if they have light up adult sneakers in china town ?? and if yess where??
Hi... which train should I take from Chinatown to midtown Manhattan?
From midtown what is best Subway route?
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